The Heart Behind The Prayer Room

In June of 2024, VICTORY launched the Prayer Room with the purpose of creating a resting place for the Lord and hosting His presence in Sarasota where He can be exalted day and night.

Prayer Room Hours

All of our Prayer Room hours are listed in our Events Calendar below.


The Prayer Room is located at 5250 17th Street, Suite 115, Sarasota, Florida, 34235
We have a large parking lot located on the backside of the building.  We also have a limited number of handicap spaces in front (if they are not available, feel free to pull up and drop them off at the door!)

Get Involved

We are excited about your interest in serving in the Prayer Room. Ministering to the heart of the Lord is our highest value. Our desire is to build the Prayer Room with thoughtful intention and care in order to sustain it for years to come. Therefore, we have a process of coming into the Prayer Room. The goal is not simply to increase the number of sets or fill positions on teams but rather to build quality sets and teams like King David built.

“There were two hundred eighty-eight of these men, and all of them were skilled musicians. David assigned them their duties by asking the Lord what he wanted. Everyone was responsible for something, whether young or old, teacher or student.” 1 Chronicles 25:7 & 8

Application Process

1. Commit to at least one weekly prayer meeting during the application and audition process if you are not currently committed to one.

2. Complete and submit the application online, using the Apply Now link below.

3. Please submit a video audition of yourself through YouTube. Place the video as unlisted, then copy and paste the YouTube URL into space provided on application form.


Prayer Leader
• VICTORY needs to be your home church.

• All Prayer Leader applicants must be attendees of VICTORY for a minimum of one year.

• Must have a consistent daily prayer and devotional life in the Word.

• Must honor the presence of the Holy Spirit.

• Must have a Biblical competency.

• Knows how to steward and govern a prayer atmosphere.

• Must carry a worship lifestyle.

• Has gone through the VICTORY Alter Training Manual.

• Understanding of authority and leadership.
Worship Leader / Team Leader
• VICTORY needs to be your home church.

• All Worship Leader / Team Leader applicants must be attendees of VICTORY for a minimum of one year.

• Minimum of 1 year experience leading worship in a prayer room or on a worship team.

• Knowledge and ability to create a worship set.

• Sensitivity to the Spirit in order to lead spontaneous worship.

• Ability to lead from an acoustic guitar or keyboard.

• Ability to play/sing with a click.

• Ability to give musical and technical direction during worship to band members through a talk back microphone.
• Must be able to hear and sing both high and low harmonies by ear.

• Sensitivity to the Spirit and ability to spontaneously flow with the worship leader and team.

• Have a great sensitivity to timing (understanding when to sing and when not to sing).

• Ability to sing with a click.
• Must be able to play using a chord chart.

• Must be able to play in all keys and transpose (without a transpose button on piano), or be working toward that level of skill.

• Sensitivity to the Spirit and ability to spontaneously flow with the worship leader and team.

• Ability to play with a click.

• Keys: Ability to play pads and keys, not classical only. Knowledge of and/or willingness to learn MIDI using Ableton, Reason, or Mainstage.

• Drums: Must be able to play well with a click track.

• Electric Guitar: Ability to play lead lines, parts, rhythm and fill space within spontaneous flow.

• Bass: Ability to “lock in” with the drummer and ability to play with a pick.

• Strings: Ability to play in a prayer room or on a worship team. Ability to play lead lines and fill space with good tone.
Door Keepers
• VICTORY needs to be your home church.

• Must have a heart of hospitality.

• Must be good with people

• A host who is welcoming to all and attentive to the needs of others.

• Must have sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and the atmosphere of the prayer room.


All potential worship team members must complete an application to the VICTORY Prayer and Worship Staff.
All potential worship team members must pass a video audition and a possible live audition in order to serve on a Prayer Room worship team.
Commit to serving weekly during a prayer set in the Prayer Room, being a part of local community and to living a lifestyle of worship and prayer.
Be willing to receive instruction with a desire for growth and willingness to be encouraged and even corrected for the purpose of training.
Complete any designated training assignments given by VICTORY Staff or a Worship/Prayer Leader in a timely manner.
Demonstrate a high level of humility, integrity, and accountability. (No current life controlling issues, addictions, immorality, rebellion, etc.)
Must arrive at least 20 minutes prior to each prayer meeting in which you are scheduled.

Instructions For Video Submission

For Musicians (drums, electric guitar, keys, strings or bass), choose one of the following songs in our playlist using the button below, learn your part instrumentally, and record a video of yourself playing along with the recording. For guitarists and bassists, please show us your pedal-board in the video.

For Vocalists, record yourself singing along with or a cappella one of the following songs using the button below. Sing melody on the verses and harmony on the chorus and bridge.

For Worship Leaders / Team Leaders, record yourself leading one of the following songs by using the button below. Leading includes singing and playing your instrument or singing while someone else accompanies.

Application Process

Your application & audition video will be reviewed and the worship department will notify you of the next steps.

During this process, we would love for you to attend prayer meetings and establish relationships with those currently serving in the Prayer Room.