"We are in the process of a miracle."
In April of 2024, we signed to acquire a space at 5250 17th Street in the heart of suburban Sarasota. This has been a long time in the making and we are in the midst of constructions and renovations on this project. It is our mission to create a resting place for the Lord that His people can host His Presence right here in Sarasota.
The Funding Process
Our goal for this new Sanctuary Building is to pay it all, debt free. We know that this is a huge goal that to many would seem impossible. For us, we serve the God of the impossible who owns the cattle on a thousand hills and we believe that by many or by few that this entire project will be paid in full. We are so grateful for the people that have sowed a seed into this project and those who will partner with us too, we know that the Kingdom of God is big and we know that His people will help us make this miracle happen!

Watch our most recent update video
We are still in construction phase and we are moving forward in faith that the Lord will provide every dollar for this new building. If you are willing, please partner with us and give today towards our campaign. Whether big or small, we appreciate every single dollar that comes in.