VICTORY: A Church Of His Presence is a radical miracle story of the unfolding grace and goodness of God. Victory has become a
rallying point in the Southwest Florida region for the manifest presence of The Lord. In order to understand the roots of this miracle, you have to look to our founders, their consecration and core commitments that are branded with the Lord’s heart and passions.
rallying point in the Southwest Florida region for the manifest presence of The Lord. In order to understand the roots of this miracle, you have to look to our founders, their consecration and core commitments that are branded with the Lord’s heart and passions.
How it all started
The seed of Victory happened during the mid 90’s when Brian and
Bren (our founders) were visiting the historic Brownsville Revival inPensacola, Florida. At that time, the Gibbs were newly married and
pastoring in central Ohio. Among a crowd of several thousand
people, Evangelist Steve Hill made his way to the Gibbs and told
them, “I don’t know how to explain this to you. I see a banner waving
over your heads, just above the two of you, and it says — VICTORY!”
Then he prayed and said, “Heavenly Father, may your fire rest on
them.” Five months later, the Gibbs would make their second journey
to the Pensacola Revival and amazingly, Steve Hill came to pray for
them and released the exact same word — “I don’t know how to
explain this to you. I see a banner waving over your heads, just
above the two of you, and it says — VICTORY!” Then he prayed and
said, “Heavenly Father, may your fire rest on them.”
This prophetic word became a seed that they would carry until the Lord would speak to relocate their family to Sarasota and begin to pioneer and plant the seed of Victory into the City.

As Brian and Bren resigned their pastoral ministry in late 1997, they launched Light The Fire Ministries, which became their national and
international outreach specifically for revival and awakening. The Gibbs went onward traveling extensively throughout hundreds of
churches in the United States igniting local church revivals and leaderships. Their travels were marked with the Lord’s power in
preaching, the prophetic, miracles, healings, deliverance, favor and souls coming into the Kingdom.
After traveling many years on the road, and now with small children, Brian and Bren were strategically praying for a city to pioneer, a
revival culture that would become a continual burning torch for a region. Both of them loved the great State of Florida and had been
praying specifically for several years about the southwest Florida region. The Lord gave Brian a vision in his office while he was lying
on the map of Florida late one night in prayer and called them to Sarasota. Amongst many things, the Lord specifically said, “I’m
sending you there to create an apostolic beachhead that will prepare the way for future reinforcements to come and equip the body of
Christ for the outpouring of His Spirit. He also said, “I’m not sending you there to be respectable, but to be responsible for the spiritual
destiny of that region.” As Brian remained silent concerning the vision, amazingly, days later, Bren came to him and said that she
believed God was calling them to Sarasota.
international outreach specifically for revival and awakening. The Gibbs went onward traveling extensively throughout hundreds of
churches in the United States igniting local church revivals and leaderships. Their travels were marked with the Lord’s power in
preaching, the prophetic, miracles, healings, deliverance, favor and souls coming into the Kingdom.
After traveling many years on the road, and now with small children, Brian and Bren were strategically praying for a city to pioneer, a
revival culture that would become a continual burning torch for a region. Both of them loved the great State of Florida and had been
praying specifically for several years about the southwest Florida region. The Lord gave Brian a vision in his office while he was lying
on the map of Florida late one night in prayer and called them to Sarasota. Amongst many things, the Lord specifically said, “I’m
sending you there to create an apostolic beachhead that will prepare the way for future reinforcements to come and equip the body of
Christ for the outpouring of His Spirit. He also said, “I’m not sending you there to be respectable, but to be responsible for the spiritual
destiny of that region.” As Brian remained silent concerning the vision, amazingly, days later, Bren came to him and said that she
believed God was calling them to Sarasota.
After nearly 10 years, the Gibbs went through a unique prophetic shift and was redirected to Dallas, Texas. Having built a strong foundation,
they installed new leadership to take Victory @ Sarasota into its future discoveries and they relocated for more national partnerships and global pursuits.
they installed new leadership to take Victory @ Sarasota into its future discoveries and they relocated for more national partnerships and global pursuits.
Two years later, the Lord gave Bren a notable prophetic dream, which became the catalyst of turning their hearts back to Sarasota.
This was a real shock to them both, as they believed that their season in Sarasota had come to an end. However, God was
patiently and lovingly working in the details for a full-circle comeback.
This was a real shock to them both, as they believed that their season in Sarasota had come to an end. However, God was
patiently and lovingly working in the details for a full-circle comeback.
For the first two years back in the city, the majority of their ministry was prayer in their home with many believers and prayer walking the
City again. Brian was flying in and out speaking at national conferences and many strategic assignments in Washington DC.
However, as Brian was on a special ministry trip to Israel the Lord spoke to him that he had Father’s authorization and heaven’s
blessing to begin once again in Sarasota the original mission and mandate of Victory — to build the apostolic beachhead and continue
to prepare the way of the Lord.
City again. Brian was flying in and out speaking at national conferences and many strategic assignments in Washington DC.
However, as Brian was on a special ministry trip to Israel the Lord spoke to him that he had Father’s authorization and heaven’s
blessing to begin once again in Sarasota the original mission and mandate of Victory — to build the apostolic beachhead and continue
to prepare the way of the Lord.
In September 2017, VICTORY: A Church Of His Presence was publicly launched. VICTORY is becoming a vibrant and bold
community of believers that are passionate about the heart and presence of God, our community and the future. It is our greatest
privilege as sons and daughters to know and experience our Father's love and grace, but so many must still come to know Him as savior and Lord.
community of believers that are passionate about the heart and presence of God, our community and the future. It is our greatest
privilege as sons and daughters to know and experience our Father's love and grace, but so many must still come to know Him as savior and Lord.
Expanding The Vision: Revival, Awakening, & Reformation
Victory's mandate extends to the Southwest coastal region of Florida, America and the Nations. We love our city and region and we carry a
vision for cultural transformation. Our quest is for a lifestyle of continual personal revival, national awakening and generational
reformation. We train, empower and release believers to take the kingdom culture to the world.
vision for cultural transformation. Our quest is for a lifestyle of continual personal revival, national awakening and generational
reformation. We train, empower and release believers to take the kingdom culture to the world.
We are a community that pursues intimacy with God and hosts the presence of The Lord for our city and region. Victory is a place to
lead people of all ages into a growing and life-giving relationship with Jesus Christ.
lead people of all ages into a growing and life-giving relationship with Jesus Christ.
We are a church that loves the Holy Spirit, equips believers for ministry and pursues the global expansion of God's Kingdom through
His manifest presence for every sphere of life.
His manifest presence for every sphere of life.
Victory is a place where God is tangible and present in personal revival, signs, wonders and miracles. The atmosphere is one of faith,
worship and joy. We believe we're on the edge of the greatest revival of all time.
worship and joy. We believe we're on the edge of the greatest revival of all time.
We pray and worship together to bring heaven to earth. The centerpiece of every gathering is the pursuit of God's heart and
presence through worship, intercession and the Word where lives are transformed and launched into their destinies.
presence through worship, intercession and the Word where lives are transformed and launched into their destinies.
Here at Victory, you will discover the riches and supremacy of the Word of God and experience the Holy Spirit. Your heart will burn for
the pleasure of His company. Your heart will burn for lost souls in this wayward generation. You will be equipped and activated in the
gifts of the Holy Spirit to become an effective change agent for this generation. You will also connect and discover the family you never
knew you had — a fellowship of burning hearts.
Join us in the faith adventure!
the pleasure of His company. Your heart will burn for lost souls in this wayward generation. You will be equipped and activated in the
gifts of the Holy Spirit to become an effective change agent for this generation. You will also connect and discover the family you never
knew you had — a fellowship of burning hearts.
Join us in the faith adventure!
Be a part of God's story in this region
Join us every Saturday as we gather to pray at 5:00 pm and worship together at 6:00 pm