Brian & Bren Gibbs
Lead Pastors
Founders of VICTORY: A Church Of His Presence and Light The Fire Ministries. Their ministry is marked with the diversity of igniting revival, pastoring, church planting, building leaders and reforming America. Many know Brian as a national and international revivalist. Those who know him personally know his greatest passions in life are his relationships with his Lord, his wife Bren, and their two children. For more than 25 years, God has used the Gibbs to empower and mobilize the Body of Christ throughout the USA, Israel, Canada, Italy, Sweden, Pakistan, India and Central America. Their ministry is one marked with revival, uncommon favor, wonders and the fire of God. Brian and Bren reside with their two adult children and little Shih Tzu in Sarasota, Florida.

Shane Tenney
Associate Minister & Outreach Director
Shane is a gift of fire to Victory. Shane’s passion burns as a messenger to prepare the Bride for the King’s return Maranatha! He and his wife, Janique, love serving in our leadership team cultivating revival and awakening—passion for The Lord, the Church, souls and Jesus’ presence to Sarasota. He is a Bible College graduate from Southeastern University (Lakeland, Florida). Shane has a rich ministry experience as an itinerant traveling minister as well as Outreach and Jail/Prison ministry. Shane and Janique live in Northport, Florida with their little dog, Copper.
Contact: shanet@victoryfla.com

Mark & Kathy Godlewski
Church Elders
Mark and Kathy moved to Florida from Utica, New York after retiring in 2012. They have two sons, nine grandchildren and four great grandchildren. They serve at Victory to assist in the maturing of the Body of Christ. They have a heart for intercession and a burning desire to see the Kingdom of God established in Sarasota, the State of Florida and our nation, and to usher in the Third Great Awakening in America. They also lead a House Fire in North Port focusing on what God is speaking prophetically in this hour.

Kodi & Sandra Sells
Worship Leaders
Kodi & Sandra have been with Victory since the beginning, and love to cultivate an atmosphere of prophetic worship. They have burning hearts for revival in our nation and do ministry all throughout the southeast Florida region. Kodi has had a background in music from a young age and holds a degree from Berklee College of Music. Sandra, born in the U.K. was raised in the church and started leading worship in her youth group. Since they got married in 2012, they have been serving in ministry together with hearts of worship in beautiful surrender before the Lord. They live in Bradenton, Florida with their two lovely children.
Contact: worship@victoryfla.com

Josiah Gibbs
Media Director
Leader of the Media team, Josiah uses his gifts and talents for the glory of the Father. He has a passion for Filmmaking and Photography as well as a calling to Missions. He joined YWAM in Queenstown New Zealand at the beginning of 2020 and was there for the first part of the year. After coming back to Florida, he was led to come on staff at Victory where he now serves as Media Director. He has a deep heart for people and a drive to see the Great Commission fulfilled for the coming of Christ. Josiah and his wife, Cecily, live in Sarasota, Florida.
Contact: media@victoryfla.com

Monica Clark
Monica loves serving the Victory family in the position of administrator, using her giftings to make sure things keep running smoothly! Together with her husband Doug, they have been part of the Victory family since the beginning. They both have a heart for working behind the scenes and getting things done where there is a need. Their greatest desire would be to see ALL come to the saving knowledge of Jesus. They have four sons and four grandchildren (so far!) and live in Sarasota Florida.
Contact: admin@victoryfla.com