Prospering In Storms & Shipwrecks

Five years before the Apostle Paul made his epic journey to Rome, he wrote the believers there — “Making request if, by some means, now at last I may find a way in the will of God to come to you” (Romans 1:10). In other words, Paul was appealing to them to pray for him...he was coming their way and asked that they would pray that the Lord would give him a prosperous journey in the will of God.

Did God answer Paul’s prayer? Yes. He did make it to Rome and without question he had amazing ministry there —preaching, teaching, praying, discipleship and writing. However, what Paul hadn’t understood was that getting to Rome would include false accusations, arrest, incarceration and chains. He never could have foreseen the hurricane storm at sea, the unprecedented shipwreck on the island and even being bitten by a poisonous viper on the way to Rome.

The truth is—you can live a prosperous life in the will of God and still face fierce personal conflicts and adversity. Paul went through a shipwreck on his way to Rome, but he had a prosperous journey by the will of God because of what was ultimately accomplished.

In reality, facing storms and shipwrecks is not a matter of “if” but it is a matter of “when”.  Some people try and play it safe in life by avoiding storms at all cost, unfortunately, no one is exempt.  As a friend of mine once said — “it’s time for us to develop our sea legs”.  Rather than trying to avoid the storms of life, we need to advance forward with courage and we need to learn how to overcome and be steadfast getting through the storms victoriously as we learn the lessons that we can only learn at such times and such circumstances that demand overcoming faith.

It has been said that you cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust your sails. In other words, I can’t control the elements of my world but my faith can be properly anchored and with the Holy Spirit’s wisdom and council, I can adjust my sails and then adapt.

Hey friends—the will of God doesn’t mean that you are exempt from trials, problems, persecutions, financial stress, strains in your relationships or even demonic storms. However, Christ, the victory and cornerstone lives within!

Wherever you are in your faith adventure, be encouraged and be strong—the LORD our GOD is with YOU!
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