A Personal Letter From Pastor Brian

Dear Friends & Partners,
Greetings from Sarasota, Florida. God is immeasurably good. We worship and give Him glory every day for His loving faithfulness. I wanted to take some time to update you on the progress and the expansion of VICTORY: A Church Of His Presence and the ministry. In June, we completed all of the construction and retrofit of our offices, training center and prayer room. Specifically, our prayer room was built to create a sacred space for hosting the Lord’s presence and drawing near to His heart. It’s an awesome place of encounter!
This was a massive task for us, and we are so grateful for its completion and grand opening. Now, as the prayer room is open, believers are gathering daily here to seek the Lord, worship and encounter the Holy Spirit. As you come into the prayer room, you’ll find them lying on the floor, kneeling in prayer, worshipping with hands lifted high with tears streaming down their faces and walking with their Bibles in hand praying the Word and promises of God. It’s beautiful and it’s sweet communion that pleases the Lord. I really feel we have chosen what is best, just as Mary did, to sit at his feet and receive his words of life.
Now we are entering the next phase and expansion of the building for greater things. We will be breaking through the walls next door very soon from our prayer and training center for creation of our miracle Sanctuary.
This sanctuary will accommodate 530 chairs. (We presently have seating for just over 200 so this will give great room for growth. In addition to the Sanctuary, this new space will have our Audio, Video and Livestream Room and our Green Room as well. This retrofit and build out is going to be big work, and it has to be done in a timely way.
We just completed our demolition phase in the sanctuary space clearing out wall after wall. That was interesting. Ha! We are now at the closing of our architectural phase with all of our drawings, civil engineering and plans that will lead us to obtaining our permits here in our County. Much work has already been accomplished, but now we press forward for the next phase.
Next comes the construction. We will be installing a sprinkler system for fire code, new air conditioners and ductwork, creating more bathrooms, installing electrical, audio, video and lighting, laying carpet, painting walls and putting finishing touches to make a space for worship unto The Lord. All of the parts, equipment and resources need to come in on time. This is one of the prayer-points we ask you to engage in, that everything we are ordering comes timely with no delays and for our construction crew to have productivity and fruitfulness each day. As you can see, all of this is so much work, but it is a work of love. It’s a good work unto The Lord.
We are in a miracle building campaign right now which just began two months ago. Our goal has been set at $750,000 for the build out and retrofit of the sanctuary. Amazingly we have had $130,000 come in as you receive this letter. God’s people are generous, and they believe in the vision and mandate.  We have just been notified that we must build and create additional bathrooms for the capacity of our sanctuary to meet code—so that is going to take us beyond the budget, but it is necessary to meet code requirements. Our architect has just finished those drawings as well and is ready for permit. As we all know, everyone has to use those bathrooms. And the church said—Amen. Ha!
We understand the urgent and crisis hour that our Nation is facing right now. Bren and I would have never chosen this season to be building and expanding, but this is all part of the call and obedience to The Lord.  In 29 years of fulltime ministry, my wife and I have seen the faithfulness of God time and again. Jesus has amazed us, and His people have generously given to see the Kingdom of God advance.  He is El Shaddai—more than enough. His provision for our ministry has been a wonder, and daily we praise Him for all the miracles that have been accomplished and the thousands of lives that have been impacted and ignited into personal revival.
As Bren and I stand in faith, we are asking and calling on all our friends and ministry partners to join us to give your best miracle gift towards the creation of the Sanctuary. Every dollar you sow and invest will be pointed with purpose to build the house for His Presence, and it will be celebrated to the glory of God!
We are believing to hit and exceed our financial goals and the completion of all construction for our ribbon-cutting ceremony to open VICTORY’S new Sanctuary just before Christmas. That means we have so much to accomplish in these 5 months. And by God’s grace and prayers and partnership of His people, we will meet this goal. Hallelujah!
My wife, Bren, and I want to THANK YOU for your love, prayers and partnership. We are grateful for all of you.  Some of you have supported our ministry for decades and others are newer partners.
Thank you for standing with us for another miracle!
Together for revival, awakening and reformation.
With Love & Honor,
Brian & Bren Gibbs
In order to give safely and securely, you can always give at our ministry website:VictoryFLA.com/give
On the giving page, please select “miracle building fund.”
For mailing an offering:
VICTORY: A Church Of His Presence
P.O. Box 51586
Sarasota, Florida 34232
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