21 Day Fast | Day 11

21 Day VICTORY Fast | Day 11
From Pastor Brian Gibbs
January 14th, 2021

Good morning, dear friends! Today is day eleven as we have entered a very special time of consecration and humility and we open the door to a deeper, more intimate and more powerful relationship with our Father!

Bren and I are blessed that you have chosen to participate in the VICTORY FAST by setting aside 21 days to pray, fast and draw near to God. Fasting is not just an exercise for super-spiritual people. It is actually supposed to a part of every believer’s personal and private spiritual life. Personally, we have found there is no better way to reset our spiritual compass and bring about change and discipline in every area of our lives than through fasting.

We pray that you will experience the presence and power of God in an extraordinary way as you
Page 2 commit yourself to Him over the next 21 days. May God continue to bless you and ignite your passion for Him as you seek Him first!

For these 21 days together, I will provide a daily biblical focus and some thoughts to encourage and strengthen you throughout the fast.


Day 11

“For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12)

A soldier is sharp. A soldier stays fit, alert, healthy and ready. They’re not dull, casual nor complacent. A soldier is not asleep on their watch. The apostle Paul said that we should live in such a way as a soldier because the days are evil. The enemy is hungry and lurking for an opportune moment of attack. Colossians 4:2 says, “Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.” A soldier is a watchman. Throughout all of Scripture you can see time and time again the method of fasting sharpens a life. Moses fasted. Elijah fasted forty days. Paul fasted fourteen days. Jesus fasted forty days.

God wants us spiritually sharp and physically ready, fit and alert. Fasting will sharpen your spiritual
perception and discernment. A lifestyle of fasting can keep you spiritually alert and far from apathy and mediocrity. When you fast and pray you are effectively being sharpened to the word of God in your spirit and in your mouth. Now you have become a powerful weapon in the hand of God - a razor-sharp edge that is able to slash the enemy when you speak.

A mentor once taught me, “Anything that is cutting-edge must be narrow by necessity”.

When we fast and pray, we are being sharpened and narrowed for effectiveness to destroy the powers of darkness and advance the kingdom of our God. He wants you and I sharp and effective.

May the Holy Spirit strengthen and nourish you on
this day.

Make it a great day and be blessed!
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