21 Day Fast | Day 7

21 Day VICTORY Fast | Day 7
From Pastor Brian Gibbs
January 10th, 2021

Good morning, dear friends! Today is day seven as we have entered a very special time of consecration and humility and we open the door to a deeper, more intimate and more powerful relationship with our Father!

Bren and I are blessed that you have chosen to participate in the VICTORY FAST by setting aside 21 days to pray, fast and draw near to God. Fasting is not just an exercise for super-spiritual people. It is actually supposed to a part of every believer’s personal and private spiritual life. Personally, we have found there is no better way to reset our spiritual compass and bring about change and discipline in every area of our lives than through fasting.
We pray that you will experience the presence and

power of God in an extraordinary way as you commit yourself to Him over the next 21 days. May God continue to bless you and ignite your passion for Him as you seek Him first!
For these 21 days together, I will provide a daily biblical focus and some thoughts to encourage and strengthen you throughout the fast.


Day 7

“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Romans 12:1
Fasting is an extraordinary process that helps us to discover and confirm the will of God for our lives. When you present your body as a “sacrifice” you open your spirit up to hear the Lord's voice.

Throughout many years, my wife and I have experienced time and again through fasting the discovery of the will of God and directional promptings and pieces of the prophetic puzzle for our family and ministry. In fasting, you will prove and discover his good and perfect will for your life. The apostle Paul was fasting when God called him and shared his divine assignment for his life (Acts 9:7-9). Peter was fasting in Joppa sitting on a rooftop when God gave him a new and fresh revelation and called him to take the gospel to the Gentiles (Acts 10). Jesus was fasting 40 days before he was launched into the most epic ministry that revealed to us what “on earth as it is in heaven” truly looks like.

Fasting prepares the way for God to give you fresh revelation, fresh vision, and clear purpose. That’s what I am believing for. And I have faith that you too will hear the voice of the Lord afresh and receive direction and guidance. Jesus said, “Ask and it will be given. Seek and you will find. Knock, and the doors will be open.” (Matthew 7:7-8)

May this fast and time of consecration and humility

unto the Lord prepare the way for you to hear His voice, receive and discover the great gifts He is longing to give you for the New Year of 2021.

Be encouraged and strengthened by the Holy Spirit.

Make it a great day and be blessed!

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