21 Day Fast | Day 2

21 Day VICTORY Fast | DAY 2
From Brian Gibbs
January 5, 2021
Good morning, dear friends! Today is day two as we have entered a very special time of consecration and humility and we open the door to a deeper, more intimate and more powerful relationship with our Father!
Bren and I are blessed that you have chosen to participate in the VICTORY FAST by setting aside 21 days to pray, fast and draw near to God. Fasting is not just an exercise for super-spiritual people. It is actually supposed to a part of every believer's personal and private spiritual life. Personally, we have found there is no better way to reset our spiritual compass and bring about change and discipline in every area of our lives than through fasting.
We pray that you will experience the presence and power of God in an extraordinary way as you commit yourself to Him over the next 21 days. May God continue to bless you and ignite your passion for Him as you seek Him first!

For these 21 days together, I will provide a daily biblical focus and some thoughts to encourage and strengthen you throughout the fast.
Scripture Reading for today: Matthew 17:1-21

Key verse: Matthew 17:18-21  |   "And Jesus rebuked the demon, and it came out of him; and the child was cured from that very hour.  Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, “Why could we not cast it out?”  So Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, that if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, “Move from here to there’, and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.  However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.”

The goal in praying and fasting has never been to change God or His will. Through prayer and fasting, we are the ones that experience change and transformation — spiritually, emotionally, physical, ect... Coming into alignment with God through fasting helps us deal with our doubts, fears and unbelief.
When we pray and fast, the thing that leaves — the thing that “goes out” - is our unbelief.  That's why the disciples weren't able to have victory in this urgent situation of Matthew 17.  The emphasis Jesus gave on fasting to his disciples was to remove this kind of unbelief, not a "this kind" of demon spirit.  Let's be clear, you and I have authority over demons through the name and blood of Jesus at all times — whether fasting or not.  You must know this as a believer, so you can exercise your authority that Jesus has given you over all the works of the devil.  It is when we have faith to believe, that we can pray with confidence and know that “nothing will be impossible” as we live to bring glory to God.

In this time of fasting and prayer, let’s ask God to strengthen our hearts to fully believe Him and believe His word. It is okay to recognize and acknowledge if you struggle with unbelief.  It’s the first step in allowing God to strengthen your faith and bring you into alignment with His plan for your life.  I believe it brings great joy to our Heavenly Father’s heart when we believe Him.

What is it that you need faith to believe for?  Align yourself with God’s Word and promises during this fast.  Release, renounce and repent of your unbelief.  Write down the things you are believing for and pray with confidence, knowing “nothing will be impossible for you.”
Make it a great day and be blessed!
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